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Pizza Fridays, Volunteers, Ice Coolers and Preview Night

This is a big week for the Marching Tigers as they wrap up band camp and get ready to strut their stuff, first at Preview Night and then for the home crowd at Oscar Smith High School's first Varsity football game of the season. We need everyone's help to make these events a success.


Preview Night. At the end of Friday night's rehearsal, the band will return to the band room to kick off the first Pizza Friday (more on that in a minute). At 5ish, we'll lead parents on a tour of the concessions facilities to get a sense of what working concessions for a football game will be like. At 5:30ish, the Marching Tigers will take the practice field (at the back of the parking lot, not the football stadium) and present their field show thus far. Bring your cameras.


Pizza Fridays. Whether for home or away games, the Marching Tigers report to the band room where they will first eat pizza, then rehearse for the upcoming event. But to make this happen we need two critical things to happen: (1) we need everyone to contribute their $20 to pay for a season of Pizza Fridays; and (2) we need a volunteer or two to make this happen. The two wonderful volunteers from last year are no longer with the OSBBC as their marchers are no longer marching. But those volunteers will tell you that coordinating Pizza Fridays is a wonderful experience where you get to help feed the kids. The Pizza Friday coordinators get the collected $ from the treasurer, order the pizza, pick up the pizza and bring to the band room in time to eat, and then match up marchers with the list of paid Pizza Friday participants. This fantastic, fun way to make sure our kids get fed before burning a bunch of calories does not "just happen." If we don't get $ and volunteers we simply will not be able to pull this off. So, PLEASE turn in that money and PLEASE volunteer to help. PLEASE.


Saturday's game should be exciting. We are starting to have some volunteers sign up, but frankly we don't have enough. Again, PLEASE go sign up at this link:

As you may have heard, we are having significant refrigerator problems at both concessions. These fridges aren't owned by OSBBC (good thing - they are expensive), but that means we rely on the school for repairs. As it is the beginning of school, our needs have to rack-n-stack against all the other maintenance demands. Therefore, it is unlikely we'll get these fixed in time for at least our first couple of games. So, this is a call for ice and coolers. We'll need some way to cool down and serve all the drinks we expect to sell. No need to sign up, please just bring coolers with ice. Please put a name on the cooler so we can make sure it returns to its generous owner. Thank you!


We really need your help as each of the areas discussed above are critical. No ice/coolers, no drinks to sell. No $ or volunteers, no Pizza Fridays. Please help us invest in your children's marching experience!


Oscar Smith High School, Chesapeake, VA 23320

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