Tiger Down

The Band Awards Night was originally to have been held on June 8th, but had to be postponed. The reason it had to be postponed and isn’t yet rescheduled is because Mr. Elgin suffered a pretty significant injury a couple of days before then.
Before going further, let’s discuss the nature of this communication. We’ve often used the imagery of the band as a family, with all the associated commitments that implies. Although I’ve received Mr. Elgin’s permission to share the backstory described below, I’d still ask you to treat this as what it is: family information shared amongst our family. Please do not circulate outside our band family.
Let’s also dispense with the least important part of this story: the Awards Night will be held. As you’ll see, it won’t be held right away. But that’s okay: if summer plans take you away from Hampton Roads, you’re no further away than you are now since the event will be held virtually.
With the very important caveat that I’m not a doctor, this is a summary of my understanding. During the night of Saturday, June 6th, Mr. Elgin fell in the bathroom. I think there is some chance that he fell as a result of having fainted. Not being able to put his hands up to break his fall, he had a terrific collision with the bathroom fixtures. As you might imagine, such trauma sent him to the hospital overnight. In the intervening days, Mr. Elgin has returned home and had several tests and scans. In essence, they have ruled out some of the very most terrifying diagnoses, but are still exploring diagnoses that are nevertheless quite frightening and require various surgeries. Mr. Elgin is also in pain and has difficulties with his extremities (has trouble with his hands/fingers). And he will need surgery to repair the damage to his head/face from the fall itself.
Mr. Elgin is in the good care of his amazing wife, Karen. But it is a stressful, scary time in the Elgin house. That all of this is happening in the middle of a worldwide pandemic only increases the anxiety.
Like most of you, I have only known Mr. Elgin for a short portion of his 42-year teaching career. But during the last four years I have watched him give a significant part of himself to the band family, often in ways unseen by most of you. So let me anticipate your next question: how can I help?
As we all know from our own experience with stressful life events, it is sometimes the hardest thing in the world to come up with dinner. If any of you are in a position to do so, providing a meal for Jack and Karen Elgin would be helpful and much appreciated.
Now, it’s worth discussing the mechanics of providing a meal. I’m reluctant to just include the Elgin’s address since this band family newsletter is being sent to a distribution list of over 400 people and posted on our band blog. So here’s a compromise: if you would like to send a restaurant gift card, you can send it directly to Mr. Elgin’s personal account: bandjock76@aol.com. [Consider GrubHub, DoorDash, or specific gift cards from restaurants that deliver]. On the other hand, if you want to either bring over a meal or arrange for one to be delivered, you can also email Mr. Elgin directly at that same email address to make arrangements.
We will all get together (virtually) in good time. In the meantime, depending upon your faith tradition, please keep the Elgin family in your thoughts and prayers.
Mike Maule
Oscar Smith Band Booster Club Secretary