Ice & Volunteers

ICE, ICE, BABY. We had some hope that the fridges might be fixed this afternoon - the school's athletic director hired a contractor to come take a look. Bad news: the fridges are down hard, possibly needing replacement. So, as suspected, we REALLY need coolers with ice. In the past, we were able to use some ice from the school's ice machines. But the school is down to one ice machine and they need that for the football teams (ours and the visitors), so we will have to rely on your donations. Some of you have asked when/where for donations. Some of us will be at the stadium tomorrow around 1 or 1:30. If you could bring your coolers/ice to the far gate, next to concessions 2, starting at that time, that'd be great. Even if you bring it later, we could still use all we can get. Again, the best location is the far gate.
VOLUNTEERS. We're short some volunteers in some critical locations for Saturday's game. The biggest vacancies are working Concessions 1. We really need your help. I've held off submitting our volunteer lists hoping more of you will raise your hand. We REALLY need you! Please sign up - you get into the game for free.
Sign up here: