Fourth week of Oct (22-27)

Lots of activity this week - but the big push is for volunteers and supporters. We really need you. We've got a JV game, an away Varsity game, and our very important marching assessments this week. Please volunteer!!
Thursday, Oct 25 - JV Game. We need volunteers to help do concessions for this game. Please sign up at:
Friday, Oct 26 - Away Varsity Game @ Western Branch. We will have Pizza Friday. Marchers will wear Pinkout shirts. Watch your Remind texts for return information.
Saturday, Oct 27 - Marching Assessments. This is the big event the Marching Tigers have been working towards. Here are details:
Call time: 10 am
Departure: Noon
Warm up: 1:25 pm
Perform: 2:45 pm
Wear: White show shirt, black socks, etc.
We really need volunteers -- we load/unload the truck at Oscar Smith High School and at the competition. We bring the pit equipment to and from the field. It's a great way to help and see the Marching Tigers! PLEASE SIGN UP:
We also really need supporters!!! Come yell and clap for your Marching Tigers!! Pass this along to friends and family, as well as the larger Smith family. In the case of rain - this will be indoors at the gym. We need Smith Nation to be represented!!!!
Competition schedule from VBODA:
Competition location: Landstown High School - Virginia Beach:
Want to look out ahead of this week? Check out the Upcoming Events Page (with a link to an updated printable calendar) here:
Critical links:
- Volunteer for JV games:
- Volunteer for Varsity games:
- Upcoming Events:
- Team Shutterfly site:
- To sign up for the upcoming bake sale at the concert next week:
- To sign up for Remind alerts: text @oscarsmi to 81010
Go Tigers