Order V-Neck Shirts by Wednesday

Molly McCracken, our fantastic T-Shirt Manager, has managed to squeeze in an opportunity to order the show shirts as a V-Neck. But here's the catch-- she has to submit the overall order by Thursday morning, first thing. That means that if you want to order a shirt with a V-Neck, we need your order by Wednesday, August 21 (today or tomorrow, depending upon when you read this). Send in the order form to band camp (with payment - same cost as regular shirt). For questions, reach out to Molly directly. Recall that she's having email challenges, so use her personal email account: Sanddlr25@cox.net.
Don't have the form? Click here: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/f7bd5d_ffb374def8d341ae9930dad82c3a1495.pdf