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Update for December 4


1. Thursday rehearsal

2. Saturday Part I: Playoff Home Game

3. Saturday Part II: Christmas Parade

4. Candy!

5. Possible Championship Game

6. Winter Band Concert

7. No December Booster Meeting

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1. Thursday rehearsal. On Thursday, the Marching Tigers will rehearse (indoors) 4-5 pm, to prepare for Saturday’s parade.

2. Saturday Part I: Playoff Home Game. On Saturday, the Oscar Smith Varsity Tigers host Colonial Forge High School for the last home playoff game this season. In a lot of ways, it will look like last week’s game:

  • Marchers need to arrive fed, as there will be no Pizza Friday

  • Game time: 2 pm

  • Call time (winds/percussion): 11:30 am (time to decorate instruments)

  • Call time (guard): noon

  • Band will wear uniforms. Don’t forget those black socks!

  • Watch the weather and prepare for the changing temps

  • Marchers need to bring food to eat between the game and departing for the parade

We also need volunteers. We’ll run both concessions like usual, supporting a fairly large crowd. Please come volunteer!

3. Saturday Part II: Christmas Parade. After the game, the band will load buses and go join the Chesapeake Christmas Parade. Our parade number is 70, but parade organizers know we may be delayed due to the game. Again, marchers should bring food to eat in between game and parade. The tentative plan is for buses to depart around 5 pm, but that departure time will, of course, be dependent upon when the game ends.

Want more information about the parade (route, television filming, participants, etc.)? Check out this link from the organizers:

And remember to watch your texts for updates on the return of the buses. Please be prompt in picking up marchers.

4. Candy! As part of the parade, the Marching Tigers hand out candy canes (actually, the adults accompanying the band hands them out). This means we’d like to have candy canes to hand out! Can you please donate candy canes? Simply send them in with the marchers on Saturday. Better yet, send them in for Thursday’s rehearsal. Thank you!!

5. Championship Game. If the Varsity Tigers win on Saturday, they will earn a spot in the Championship game the next Saturday. The game will be at Hampton University and we’ll take school buses departing from OSHS. We’ll put out more information next week.

6. Winter Band Concert. On December 17th, the Oscar Smith High School Concert and Symphonic Bands will perform a special Winter Concert in the Auditorium of OSHS. Call time for performers is 6:14 pm, performance begins at 7 pm.

7. No December Band Booster Meeting. Ordinarily, the Booster Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month. But this month, that falls on the Winter Band Concert. So we’ll skip this month’s meeting. As always, if you have concerns, ideas, suggestions, or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to board members (individually or collectively) at the email address below.


-Mike Maule

Oscar Smith Band Booster Club Secretary


To email all board members at once:

Upcoming Events webpage:

Volunteer for Home Playoff Games:

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To see our Amazon Wish List (revised link):

Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to OSBBC: School code: 2034


Oscar Smith High School, Chesapeake, VA 23320

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