Director Elgin Retiring

Good afternoon –
I am releasing this letter to the board to distribute as soon as possible, as I am sitting and speaking with your students.
Quite simply, after 42 years, it’s time for me to step aside and retire from teaching, as of the end of the school year. It has been an honor to serve you and your families over the course of the last 11 years at Smith, and it is a difficult but necessary decision that we as a family have made. I need to take better care of my health and family (translated grandsons), and we are at the place where we can do that comfortably, so I am doing it.
As for the rest of the school year, nothing will change – we will still continue on the same program direction, including auditions for the standard areas, concerts, awards, boosters, etc. There will also be a show in place by the end of probably and hopefully April.
It’s starting to germinate now :).
I will also be “around” but not necessarily present, and available to write recommendations down the line for the students as they need or desire. We are working here to get the next person in who will be able to take this program to the next level it deserves.
Again, it has been an honor and blessing to serve you all and with you, and I will miss it.
Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger.
Mr. Elgin