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Message from the Director

I am sitting here trying to recover from what the governor just said about the school year basically being over. I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Although it is nothing within our control, and is unprecedented in this time of history, I feel so sorry for all of you who have invested so much time and energy and passion and love into the program. I especially hurt for the seniors for not even being able to finish their senior year the right and proper way, with all of the tradition and celebration that goes along with that. All of it goes so hard against the grain of what we are used to, but it is the reality, and a harsh one at that.

All that I can tell you at this point in time is that I’m sorry that this is happened, and that somehow, I am going to figure out the best of my abilities how to put our groups back together when we get back in the building to prepare the concert that has been seemingly taken from us. You deserve better and I will do my best to see that you get that.

It looks like we will be sending out “lesson plans“ to try to stay connected, but my lesson plans for you would involve practicing the concert music, and being prepared for that. Anything else after that would be icing on the cake to help you grow as musicians.

Please stay safe and smart, and stay in touch through my email at school, as I have to be on it twice a day for updates from the city. Know that I miss each and everyone of you terribly.

With abiding love,

Mr. E


Oscar Smith High School, Chesapeake, VA 23320

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