Returning music and equipment

Good afternoon all -
Senior class turn-in day for school property is tomorrow, June 2, from 11 until 1. Any senior with music and/or instruments should plan on dropping off those items in the band room between those hours. Please place the music on the front row of chairs in the band room (whomever gets there first establishes the order by piece of music). Turn in everything except your scales and Technique Essentials. If you have a school instrument, please line them up in the storage room starting at the far end by the uniform room. If any instruments need repair, please mark the cases with your names (on masking tape), and add a note indicating what needs to be repaired.
Underclassmen turn-in days are next week, June 10 and 11. Please follow the above directions for turning in music EXCEPT place music on the second row of chairs. The instrument instructions are the same.
Mr. Elgin