Band Camp Essential Information

Band Camp begins tomorrow (Monday, August 12th), from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Here's the quick hits of what you need to know:
Spirit Days. Themed days for the marchers to show their creativity. Here's the schedule:
- Tues 8/13 - College Day
- Thurs 8/15 - TV/MoviesDay
- Mon 8/19 Rapper/Rocker/Cowboy Day
- Tues 8/20 Hat/Hair Day
- Wed 8/21 Young vs Old Day
- Thurs 8/22 Section Day
- Fri 8/23 Blue and Gold Day
Posters. Section Posters are due on Tues 8/20. Poster boards will be available in Mr. Elgin's office beginning Monday 8/12. Posters must illustrate the show title "Fiesta Latina", must name or illustrate the section, and must have the names of everyone in the section.
Hydrate! Don't forget to reread How to Survive Band Camp at this link:
Calendar. Check out our upcoming events for up-to-the-minute information: