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What happened tonight?
If you missed tonight’s game, you missed a great team effort. In fact, our team did a great job of anticipating team needs, tight...

So what happened last night and what does it mean?
Last night, the Oscar Smith Varsity Tigers beat the Landstown Eagles. It was a tight game (20-16) – the Tigers haven’t played a game...

Urgent Band Update
1. Band Family in Need. Cole and Jaxon’s Mom, Michelle Burdick, suffered a stroke on Friday. You can help. A Meal Train is being set...

Booster Update for Nov 17th
Band Boosters Update for November 17 Highlights: 1. District Band Audition Forms & Fees due Monday 2. November Booster Meeting Tuesday...

Booster Update - November 10, 2019
Band Boosters Update for November 10 Highlights: 1. Restaurant Night at Panera Bread Tuesday 2. First Playoff Home Game on Friday 3. ...

Thursday (11/7) and Friday (11/8)
Band Boosters Burst Update for November 6 1. JV Game Thursday. The last home JV game is Thursday (11/7), and we need volunteers! ...

Be ready for Friday's (Nov 1) game
1. Pep Rally in the morning. Be in the band room at 8 am, wearing Pink Out shirts and sweats. 2. We will have Pizza Friday, so...

T-Shirts & Artwork
1. Pink-Out Shirt Orders. Tomorrow (Wednesday), the marchers will bring home an order form for additional Pink-Out Shirts. But you...
We need volunteers
Friday is our first real home game at Tiger Stadium. We'll need lots of volunteers in lots of places. We've tried to make it as easy to...

Water, Water Everywhere - But (almost) None for the Marchers
We're about out of water for the marchers. We need these kids to stay hydrated -- please consider donating cases of water to the...
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